of :-bottled dreams an' cigarette burns
nervous laugh...an' fruit flavored sorbets
fusion bands n' photo shoots.
scorching shooping sprees in gk
n' soirees in the park
midnight conversations an cricket in the lawn
summer storms n' garam chai
ripped jeans an' blogs
confused ethnicity an' gay best friends.
poems wrapped in bubblegum wrap.
n' hash on sale on the internet
old friends ..an' chocolote fudge
mutilated bodies and crystal beads
compassion written on street walls.
distorted souls n' vivacious personas
scribbled hurried notes an' self help books.
pop up friends an' (un)cultured upbringing
organic food n' inorganic lives
battered love n' stretched limits..
acidic lies..n' technicoloured existence.
undefined boundaries an' manipulated media circus...
old stories an' new people
of strangers in the stairwell...n' old ladys in sneakers walking their dogs.
neon dreams...n' fast cars
red carpets an' painted faces.
true friends and scented candels
understated elegance an' oh Gosh! moments.
red wine an' sparks in the sky
chasing the sunshine on the floor
ashing in the water n' smoking in the loo(under the din of the exhaust)
blood on the floor n' a song in my head.
life changing decisions an' split second deaths.
refracted light an' pink fuzzy socks.
metallic frames an' over exposed pictures
stained knives an' movie posters.
old hindi songs an it's techo remixed version
illusions being peddled on the street.
pink stilletoes an' nani's old steel trunk
waiting in ques an' fighting over the movies..
butter popcorn n' nachoes(grr...stay away)
missed calls n' more missed calls...
a zillion other phone calls..
of love n' lust....an' the mango/peach lip balm.
printed skirts n' embroidered ambitions
kisses by starlight n' heartbreak typed on gmail.