Thursday, October 12, 2006


Is it a pattern.. if yes, I’m trying hard to detect it….but it escapes me every single time.
Do you always get attracted to the same situation or people in life..just like the moth does to the light??
Are lessons learnt in the past all unlearnt one by one??
Are stories told and retold so often, that myths one day become realities??
Does history actually repeat itself??
Sometimes the dark is more inspiring than the light….the bad so much better than the good…
memories in life visited over and over again … till its all one geometric pattern…too similar yet too novel every time its revived.. ….
gravitating towards the familiar and known….
addictions of yesteryears relived once more, coz its in the warmth of this familiar daze that I can be me ..
making a straight line out of the web….as I travel round in circles..
Trying to sort the knotted mesh in my head .
Instincts are jinxed and reason rendered numb…
coz its an addiction.. one that wouldn’t leave me just yet.

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