would there ever be a day..when i'd look up and see something more .....
make sense of the scribbles and scrawls in the starry sky that's always there....
one day i'd stop lookin....and the empty wet road would reflect my story to me...jus like the head lights of a lonely car after the summer rain......
i hate summer rain in the plains.......it brings along the humid air i can't seem to bare....
miss the rain in the hills.....the smell of wet mud n' crudshed pine leaves
i hate the hills though......
well my life is about juxtaposition...so to say the least!
i want to get drunk n' jus a lil' stoned and walk those now familiar streets with you..holding hands....well,not necessarily.....coz i'll be in that happy place....
too occupied n' almost too content to think about holding hands.
i won't even remember the details of the moment...n' like always replay the evening in my head..over n' over ...like the blower's daughter on my playlist....the details wld always elude ...n' i'd cry for the moment lost...but the taste of it in my mouth would definately suffice.......
it will linger...but for how long??
just enough for me to go back n' take a quick peek....n' then it would be gone forever....like the aurora i saw in my sleep once...it hasn't returned ever since......though i prayed for it to!
there's a thin line keeping me from insanity.....bt with you i wldn't care.....
just like i don't about my disheveled and ooh so wet hair.......
you'd wipe the rain from your brow.....
n' i'd push
my indecisive mind out the open window.....it wldn't fall with a thud...as i expected it to....it'd jus fly away..light as that frail cottony pollen....
i'd never be discontent or lonely again..
atleast not until tomorrow.