Friday, February 23, 2007

~one day~

i'd leave the city..the country...n' be somewhere very far away.....
i'd loose friends and gain a few detractors......
i'd develope tastes for the flavors of the world and one day have the shiny stars at my feet....
the crowds screaming....n' adrenalin gushing.......
the applause after the performance might jus render me deaf for a micro second...
i mght one day suffer from selective amenesia...or short-term memory lapse.....
...through all this i'd never once forget your voice...
you saw me come into the world...n' one day i'd see you leave....
but this one fraction of now so etched im my brain...that's it's a part of my very being.....
courage doesn't even come close to defining what powers you...
love is too small a word to describe what you feel for us....
sacrifice is the only fluid powering your daily life.....
i wake up to your face every single day and the tears i'v cried with never hurt to shed them
iam tryin my best to capture moments in a glass i'd keep them on my window n' the winter sunshine would stream in on it one winter morning..far away form now!even today as the crazy world tries to suck me in..n' i trip over every single hitch on the solace is are my haven...the only refuge i'v ever know.
even if i come close to being half the human being you are.....
those stars down below would never matter i said is too small a word....coz what i well......more than just a feeling...

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